Page Attributes

Certain AsciiDoc document attributes provide metadata to the Antora page or control how Antora processes the page. We refer to these as page attributes. There are three types of page attributes: custom, predefined, and intrinsic. This page explains the purpose of each type of page attribute, how they’re defined, and how they can be accessed from the UI template using the UI model.

Purpose and anatomy

Page attributes are all about providing metadata, whether that metadata is for Antora itself, for the UI template, for the user, or for a search index. By defining page attributes, you can store additional information about the page, which can then be accessed and used throughout the site.

A page attribute is defined just like any other AsciiDoc document attribute, typically using an attribute entry in the document header. Where a page attribute differs is that the name of the attribute must begin with page- (e.g., page-category). The presence of the page- prefix allows Antora to identify it as a page attribute.

If you’re wondering whether you need to add the page- prefix, ask yourself if you need to access the attribute from the UI template. If the answer is yes, then you need the prefix. Otherwise, the prefix is not required.

Here’s an example of page that defines two page attributes:

= Page Title
:page-category: DevOps
:page-edition: Enterprise

Main content.

The page- prefix is meant to provide a hint to both Antora and the author as to which attributes comprise the metadata for the page. By standardizing on the page- prefix, Antora is able to isolate page attributes from the numerous built-in and intrinsic attributes in AsciiDoc or defined by the AsciiDoc processor. The prefix also isolates the page attributes from internal attributes used to store reusable content within the page or site (aka custom content attributes).

Define a custom page attribute

To define a page attribute, you add an attribute entry to the page header and start the name with page-. It’s important to define the attribute entry in the header. Otherwise, the page attribute will not be found.

Here’s an example of an attribute entry that defines a page attribute:

= Page Title
:page-name-goes-here: value goes here

The name of this page attribute is name-goes-here (the page- prefix plus the custom name, name-goes-here). Its value is value goes here.

The name of the page attribute must adhere to the naming rules for a document attribute. The value can be left blank or it can be a string value. If the value is not blank, it must be offset from the closing colon (:) by at least one space.

Since page attributes are just special AsciiDoc document attributes, they can also be defined site-wide in the Antora playbook or per component version in the component version descriptor.

Promote a non-page attribute

If you want to make information in an existing document attribute available as a page attribute, you must promote that attribute to a page attribute. You can promote a document attribute to a page attribute using an attribute reference.

For example, let’s say you have the attribute product-name defined on the page or site. You can promote it to a page attribute using the following attribute entry:

= Page Title
:product-name: Name of My Product
:page-product-name: {product-name}

The attribute reference is resolved immediately, so the page attribute named page-product-name now shares the same value as the document attribute named product-name.

Configure a predefined page attribute

Some page attributes receive special treatment in Antora. These page attributes have reserved names, but accept user-defined values for communicating information about the page to Antora. Examples include page-aliases, page-layout, and page-partial.

The page-aliases attribute allows you to configure alternate page IDs for the current page. For example, to claim the old name of a page, you’d use:

= Page Title
:page-aliases: old-page-name.adoc

Unlike custom page attributes, the page-aliases attribute requires the value to conform to a specific syntax (i.e., a comma-separated list of page IDs). See page aliases to learn about the page-aliases attribute and how it can be used to preserve references to a renamed, moved, or deleted page.

The page-layout attribute allows you to specify which UI template to apply to the current page. For example, to apply the home layout to the current page, you’d use:

= Home Page
:page-layout: home

See page layout to learn about the page-layout attribute and how it can be used to define which UI layout is applied to a page.

Additional predefined page attributes may be added in the future to allow similar kinds of functionality to be configured.

Access page attributes from the UI template

One of the primary roles of page attributes is to pass metadata about the page to the UI template via the UI model. The UI template can use the information provided by the page attributes in a variety of ways, from populating metadata in the published page to toggling or configuring behavior in the UI.

As an example, the default UI allows you do configure the depth of the sidebar TOC using the page attribute named toclevels (i.e., page-toclevels when defined). For example:

= Page Title
:page-toclevels: 3

You could also set this attribute in your playbook (adding a trailing @ so it still can be overridden per page):

    page-toclevels: 3@

The page attributes are accessible in the UI model via the page.attributes property. The value of this property is a map of attributes.

For example, to access the page attribute named toclevels in a UI template, you’d use:


So where’s the page- prefix gone?

When a page attribute is promoted to the UI model, the page- prefix is dropped. That’s why we say the page attribute is named toclevels instead of page-toclevels. The page- prefix is just a namespace to identify it as a page attribute. So a page attribute named page-toclevels becomes toclevels in the UI model (e.g., page.attributes.toclevel).

The page- prefix on the attribute name is what hoists it to the UI model. All other document attributes are effectively hidden from the UI model.

Intrinsic page attributes

Antora automatically sets a number of read-only, intrinsic page attributes at runtime that are derived from existing metadata about the current page. For example, the name of the current component can be read from the page-component-name attribute.

The intrinsic page attributes are listed on Intrinsic Attributes. These attributes are read-only, so you should not override their values in the page header.