Publish to GitHub Pages

Antora is designed to create sites that run anywhere, whether it be on a static web host or the local filesystem. However, some hosts offer “features” that mess with Antora’s output. GitHub Pages is one of those hosts.

Jekyll and underscore files

By default, GitHub Pages runs all files through another static site generator named Jekyll (even if your repository is not set up to use Jekyll). Since Antora already produces a ready-made site, there’s absolutely no need for this step. But it’s more than just the wasted effort.

Jekyll has the nasty side effect of removing all files that begin with an underscore (_). Why is this a problem? By default, Antora puts UI files in a folder named _. It also places images inside the folder named _images. When Jekyll comes through, it wipes out these folders. As a result, you get no UI and no images.


Fortunately, there’s a way to disable this “feature” of GitHub Pages. The solution is to add a .nojekyll file to the root of the published site (i.e., the output directory configured in your playbook).

The presence of the .nojekyll file at the root of the gh-pages branch tells GitHub Pages not to run the published files through Jekyll. The result is that your Antora-made site will work as expected.

Let’s look at two ways to create the .nojekyll file when you run Antora.

Touch the file manually

One way to add this file is to touch the .nojekyll file in the output directory after Antora runs, but before committing the files to GitHub Pages. For example:

$ touch build/site/.nojekyll

Fortunately, there’s way to do this without having to run a separate command.

Use the supplemental UI

To avoid the need for the extra command, the other way to do it is to inject the file using Antora’s supplemental UI feature. To do so, add the following supplemental_files block under the ui category in your playbook file:

    url: <url-of-bundle-goes-here>
  - path: ui.yml
    contents: |
      static_files: [ .nojekyll ]
  - path: .nojekyll

This configuration defines files from memory. The first file, ui.yml, tells Antora which files to promote to the root of the site (outside the UI folder) using the static_files key. The second file, .nojekyll, writes to the root of the published site. Since the contents key is absent, Antora will create an empty file (the equivalent of the touch command from above).

The solution to use the supplemental UI to create the .nojekyll file at the root of the published site will not work if you configure Antora to read the supplemental UI from a local directory. That’s becaue, in this case, Antora ignores files that begin with a dot (such as .nojekyll), and thus won’t pick them up. Follow issue #627 to track the status of this bug.