Fetch Updates

Use the fetch key whenever you want to retrieve updates from the remote content sources repositories and UI bundle snapshots.

Fetch operations

Activating the fetch key from a playbook or the CLI causes Antora to perform both of the following actions each time it runs:

  1. Run a fetch operation on all cloned, remote content sources repositories.

  2. Download the remote UI bundle if it’s marked as a snapshot.

fetch key

The first time Antora runs, it caches any remote content sources git repositories and UI bundles. On subsequent runs, Antora resolves these resources in the cache folder, effectively running offline. You can tell Antora to refresh the cache by setting the fetch key to true. The optional fetch key is configured under the runtime key in a playbook.

Example 1. antora-playbook.yml
  fetch: true

Fetch option

You don’t have to modify the playbook file directly to set this key. You can use the --fetch option from the CLI.

$ antora --fetch antora-playbook.yml

The --fetch option overrides the value assigned to the fetch key in the playbook file.